Thursday, March 1, 2018

GL XLA Receiving Link

/* Formatted on 3/1/2018 6:35:26 PM (QP5 v5.114.809.3010) */
  SELECT   b.NAME je_batch_name,
           b.description je_batch_description,
           b.running_total_accounted_dr je_batch_total_dr,
           b.running_total_accounted_cr je_batch_total_cr,
           b.status je_batch_status,
           b.default_effective_date je_batch_effective_date,
           b.default_period_name je_batch_period_name,
           b.creation_date je_batch_creation_date,
           u.user_name je_batch_created_by,
           h.je_category je_header_category,
           h.je_source je_header_source,
           h.period_name je_header_period_name,
           h.NAME je_header_journal_name,
           h.status je_header_journal_status,
           h.creation_date je_header_created_date,
           u1.user_name je_header_created_by,
           h.description je_header_description,
           h.running_total_accounted_dr je_header_total_acctd_dr,
           h.running_total_accounted_cr je_header_total_acctd_cr,
           l.je_line_num je_lines_line_number,
           l.ledger_id je_lines_ledger_id,
           glcc.concatenated_segments je_lines_ACCOUNT,
           l.entered_dr je_lines_entered_dr,
           l.entered_cr je_lines_entered_cr,
           l.accounted_dr je_lines_accounted_dr,
           l.accounted_cr je_lines_accounted_cr,
           l.description je_lines_description,
           glcc1.concatenated_segments xla_lines_account,
           xlal.accounting_class_code xla_lines_acct_class_code,
           xlal.accounted_dr xla_lines_accounted_dr,
           xlal.accounted_cr xla_lines_accounted_cr,
           xlal.description xla_lines_description,
           xlal.accounting_date xla_lines_accounting_date,
           xlate.entity_code xla_trx_entity_code,
           xlate.source_id_int_1 xla_trx_source_id_int_1,
           xlate.source_id_int_2 xla_trx_source_id_int_2,
           xlate.source_id_int_3 xla_trx_source_id_int_3,
           xlate.security_id_int_1 xla_trx_security_id_int_1,
           xlate.security_id_int_2 xla_trx_security_id_int_2,
           xlate.transaction_number xla_trx_transaction_number,
           rcvt.transaction_type rcv_trx_transaction_type,
           rcvt.transaction_date rcv_trx_transaction_date,
           rcvt.quantity rcv_trx_quantity,
           rcvt.shipment_header_id rcv_trx_shipment_header_id,
           rcvt.shipment_line_id rcv_trx_shipment_line_id,
           rcvt.destination_type_code rcv_trx_destination_type_code,
           rcvt.po_header_id rcv_trx_po_header_id,
           rcvt.po_line_id rcv_trx_po_line_id,
           rcvt.po_line_location_id rcv_trx_po_line_location_id,
           rcvt.po_distribution_id rcv_trx_po_distribution_id,
           rcvt.vendor_id rcv_trx_vendor_id,
           rcvt.vendor_site_id rcv_trx_vendor_site_id
    FROM   gl_je_batches b,
           gl_je_headers h,
           gl_je_lines l,
           fnd_user u,
           fnd_user u1,
           gl_code_combinations_kfv glcc,
           gl_code_combinations_kfv glcc1,
           gl_import_references gir,
           xla_ae_lines xlal,
           xla_ae_headers xlah,
           xla_events xlae,
           xla.xla_transaction_entities xlate,
           rcv_transactions rcvt
   WHERE       b.created_by = u.user_id
           AND h.created_by = u1.user_id
           AND b.je_batch_id = h.je_batch_id
           AND h.je_header_id = l.je_header_id
           AND l.code_combination_id = glcc.code_combination_id
           AND l.je_header_id = gir.je_header_id
           AND l.je_line_num = gir.je_line_num
           AND gir.gl_sl_link_table = xlal.gl_sl_link_table
           AND gir.gl_sl_link_id = xlal.gl_sl_link_id
           AND xlal.application_id = xlah.application_id
           AND xlal.ae_header_id = xlah.ae_header_id
           AND xlal.code_combination_id = glcc1.code_combination_id
           AND xlah.application_id = xlae.application_id
           AND xlah.event_id = xlae.event_id
           AND xlae.application_id = xlate.application_id
           AND xlae.entity_id = xlate.entity_id
           AND xlate.source_id_int_1 = rcvt.transaction_id
           AND h.JE_HEADER_ID = 2246924
           AND h.je_category = 'Receiving'
           --AND b.default_period_name = '01_APR-2009'
ORDER BY   h.je_category;


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